Sponsorship levels and downloadable sponsorship application
We need you this year!
Sponsoring Oak Lawn Baseball is not only a great way to get involved with the community; it’s also an amazing form of marketing for your business. Our league has almost 1,000 children whose parents live in Oak Lawn and the surrounding communities.
We are asking for $1,500 in exchange for the following:
- Banner displayed all season @ Kolb Field
- Recognition on our website
- An invitation to attend our Windy City Thunderbolts weekend
- Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship
- Social media posts about your business
- A picture of a team to hang in your office
- A handwritten thank you card at the end of the season
- Family Points for 2 Sponsor-Denoted Families
We are asking for $1,000 in exchange for the following:
- An invitation to attend our Windy City Thunderbolts weekend
- Recognition on our website
- Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship
- Social media posts about your business
- A picture of a team to hang in your office
- A handwritten thank you card at the end of the season
- Family Points for 1 Sponsor-Denoted Families
We are asking for $500 in exchange for the following:
- Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship
- Recognition on our website
- Social media posts about your business
- A picture of a team to hang in your office
- A handwritten thank you card at the end of the season
- Family Points for 1 Sponsor-Denoted Families
We are asking for $300 in exchange for the following:
- Recognition on our website
- Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship
- Social media posts about your business
- A handwritten thank you card at the end of the season
- Family Points for 1 Sponsor-Denoted Families
If you want something a little more customized in return for your sponsorship, we are very open to your ideas.
We know that your organization does a great job of improving the community, and we thank you for your continued support.
If you have any questions, please contact our sponsorship VP directly at 773-459-2020 or [email protected]
Please make check payable to Oak Lawn Baseball and mail to:
P.O. BOX 341
OAK LAWN, IL 60454
New for 2023 - process your donation via Paypal or Venmo:
Venmo: @OLBandS
PayPal: [email protected]
View a list of our current sponsors
We love our sponsors. Won't you join the list?