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Oak Lawn Baseball & Softball



We offer instructional baseball for boys ages 4-14.  Our coaches are all volunteers, giving their time to teach the players the skills they need to understand, excel in, and love the game of baseball.

Practices begin in the spring, when the weather starts to cooperate.  Teams typically practice once or twice each week before games begin.  Games are generally scheduled once or twice during the week, and then on the weekends.

Games are played on park district and school fields throughout our village, including fields with lights for night games and concession stands for a fun, baseball experience. 

Our boys baseball divisions are:
Boys T-Ball ages 4-6
Shetland ages 6-7
Pinto age 8
Mustang ages 9-10
Bronco ages 11-12
Pony ages 13-14

At the end of the season the coaches may choose one or two players from each team to compete in an All-Star game.


Boys t-ball is an instructional league for boys ages 4, 5, and 6.

T-ball games are generally 2 innings long, and every player bats each inning.

Games are mainly played at Oak Meadows and Covington School.  There are also games scheduled at Kolb Field and SAC.


The Shetland league is an instructional league for boys ages 6 and 7.

Shetland games last for 5 innings.

Coaches pitch and players pitch throughout the season.

Games are mostly played at  Brandt Park.  Games are also scheduled at Kolb and SAC.


Pinto is a league designed for boys that are 8 years old.

Games are 6 innings long.

Only players pitch in this league.

Games are played at Sullivan Park, as well as Kolb and SAC.


Mustang is a league for boys ages 9 and 10.

Players pitch every inning.  Base stealing is now permitted.  The games become more competitive while still instructional.

Games are played at Lawn ManorKolb and SAC.


The Bronco league is for boys ages 11 and 12.

Games are more competitive.  Home plate stealing is now permitted.

Games are played at SAC and occasionally at other fields.
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