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Aug, 2022

Fall Ball season opening delayed one week

Our flyer stated we would be starting our season on August 15th. We are looking to delay the start until that weekend of August 20/21 or the following week with most schools starting that first week. 
Managers should be reaching out to players by the end of this week at the latest, if you have not heard from anyone yet. 
The season will last until the weekend of October 1st/2nd with teams being scheduled for 2 games (1 weekday and 1 weekend for most teams). Our goal is to be as consistent with days of the week as possible as we know that school is back in session and players have other sports.
As a reminder, all players will be provided a jersey only for the fall season. You need to provide pants, socks, and hat for your player along with their equipment (the league provides balls and catcher's gear).
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